Tuesday, August 11, 2009

IAB Social Experiment #1

HUZAAH! Mush Monthly is BACK after slightly more than a month. And all it took was many a password guessings and head bashings on the monitor.

Anyway, to celebrate the comeback of this blog a new section is being added. Which brings the total amount of sections to 2. This section is ‘IAB Social (and most likely unethical) Experiments’. This is pretty much a fancy name for me doing weird stuff in chat and documenting it and claiming it was for science the whole time. And I plan to do this all while madly dancing to ‘She Blinded Me With Science’ at the same time.

But hey, don’t let me have all the fun...

Now, unethical social experiments aren’t just about randomly messing with the heads of perfectly innocent christian IAB chatters for the hell of it. Oh no. This is serious business. I may or may not discover incredible things about the human mind that could rock the very foundations of social science as we know it. To the untrained eye, what may seem like an insane chatter let loose in IAB chat could very well be the cure to ADD or cancer or something... Therefore, to demonstrate the seriousness of this business I have carefully set out my findings in a professional-looking science report, the type I leanrt how to do in Year 8. It has headings and everything! Starting wiiiiith........

Objective: To discover how the IAB population deals with what would seems to be a freak muting.

Hypothesis: Well I devised a best case scenario that goes a little something like this....

mushie_mush says: hi

*mushie_mush has been muted by admin for breaking the rules

bystander1 says: hi...

joeblow says: OMGWTFBBQ

bystander1 says: WTF DUUUUDE

joeblow says: freaaaaaaaking out!

confused_mod:...wasn’t me

bystander1 says: :O

joeblow says: POWER ABUSE!

bystander1 says: we’ve been opressed for TOO LONG!

joe blow says: time to stick up to THE MAN

bystander says: RIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!


*bystander1 sets things on fire

*joeblow smashes stuff

*confused_mod cowers in the corner

Soon these chatters would no longer be satisfied with their internet violence. They would have to turn to physically setting things on fire and smashing stuff, their anger growing and growing until it erupted into a ball of...super anger...that would consume the whole world. And civilisation as we know it would be destroyed FOREVER!

Apparatus: Suprinisngly to start total world chaos and anarchy you only need three things...

IAB chat

Some kind of time filling activity

Victi....I mean subjects.

Variables: ......What is the point of this section again?


1. Open chat.

2. After chatting for a reasonable amount of time, announce you are going to leave for some kind of time consuming activity. Fapping usually works best.

3. Before you leave, say ‘hi’ 3 times, as if it is a completely normal thing to do

4. Idle and go to said activity.

5. Return sometime later and say ‘hi’

6. Note reactions.

Results: Somewhat disappointing

Discussion: Sometimes things go so terribly wrong that the only possible way to understand the disaster is through notations. NOTATIONS goddamit!

1. Slight method error. Apparently the fourth time you say something it doesn’t display it, probably because after the third time of saying ‘SUCK MY PENIS!’ it would’ve probably sunk in. So instead of ‘hi’ *MUTED* I just got muted out of the blue. Which just made me look like I’d overfapped in PM.

2. Bad timing. The exact moment I chose to unleash my attack IAB member XxAlyalxX entered the room thus most attention was directed toward her. Thanks a lot. *evil glare*
3. Things start looking up here. Someone finally notices that someone isn’t quite right, others choose to run away in fear. IN FEAR! Mwa ha ha ha...

4. The average attention span of an IABer. Unfortunately I didn’t take into account that this is only 7 seconds. Hell, it took me 4 days just to write the first three sentences of this post. Unfortunately, it makes it difficult to send people on an anarchical rage if they continually burst into song.

5. Again with the PM thing _--

6. No mods. Kinda hard to suspect someone who is not a the crime scene.
7. At this point it all went down hill. The subjects then decided to mock me. This was not supposed to happen.

8. Thanks guys, I think I’ll go cry myself to sleep tonight.

Conclusion: So the hypothesis wasn’t exactly supported. Maybe it was the variables section getting it’s revenge. But we shall just treat this as a test run. With these errors in mind, I plan to revisit this experiment one day. Oh yes I WILL come back for revenge. And it Will be when you leaaaast expect iiiiit.

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